08/04/2014 06:38
PhotoFunia update for iOS7 is avaliable in the AppStore!
Etiquetas: apple, update, ios7, app

26/03/2014 05:57
PhotoFunia_BB10_Promo We are serious about fun. Download PhotoFunia for your Blackberry 10 device now.
Etiquetas: blackberry10, release, app

16/02/2014 16:17
Introducing a brand new mobile version of PhotoFunia website. Simply log on to http://m.photofunia.com/ and enjoy full PhotoFunia on any mobile device. We have worked really hard to optimise the website for a variety of different screen sizes and surely made it work with the best pointing device in the world: your finger. We have also thrown in support for Facebook, VK and Mail.RU letting you access you photos right from online albums as well as being able to share the photo with your friends right from the website. http://m.photofunia.com/

16/01/2014 13:45
Firefox OS
We are really excited to announce that PhotoFunia is now available on all devices running Firefox OS. Head over to Firefox Marketplace and download the app absolutely free of charge.
Etiquetas: firefox, download, app

13/12/2013 19:50
PhotoFunia for Asha Download it for free now!
Etiquetas: photofunia, asha, nokia, app

29/11/2013 06:42

Have you already upgraded to Windows 8.1? We have just released a massive update for our Windows app which takes the full advantage of new features which come with Widnows 8.1 and takes the whole PhotoFunia experience to a whole new level. As usual the app is available absolutely free (unlike others) and you can download it from Windows Store: http://apps.microsoft.com/windows/en-us/app/photofunia/8cbe323a-37ea-49d5-9a7f-333606414e4e

10/08/2013 19:42
PhotoFunia's 6th anniversary!

It is hard to believe that PhotoFunia has just turned six year old.  It seems like only yesterday we have set ourselves a goal to make “one click photoshopping” possible. Six years later PhotoFunia is not only available as a website, but as an app for all major mobile platforms. This year we have been very busy not only creating amazing new effects, but bringing the service to all tablet devices such as iPad, Adnroid and Winodws 8 slates.  It makes us happy knowing that what we do can bring smile to  someone’s face and make an ordinary day a little brighter. We would like to thank all of our users for being with us throughout all those years. Our existence would not be possible without you. We have a lot of exiting stuff to share with you this year. Please stay tuned for more information.

Сложно поверить, но ФотоФании исполнилось шесть лет. Кажется только вчера мы поставили перед собой цель сделать «фотошоп в один клик» возможным. Спустя шесть лет ФотоФания доступна не только как веб сайт, но и приложение практически на все мобильные платформы. В течении этого года мы были очень заняты не только создавая новые эффекты, но и делая возможным работу сервиса на всех планшетных устройствах, таких как iPad, Adnroid и Winodws 8. Мы безумно рады осознавать то, что наша работа приносит улыбки нашим пользователям, и сделать обычный день чуточку ярче. Мы хотим поблагодарить всех наших пользователей за то, что вы были с нами на протяжении всех этих лет. Наше существование было бы невозможно без вас. В этом году вас ждёт множество сюрпризов, которыми мы бы хотели с вами поделится. Следите за анонсами.

Etiquetas: anniversary

25/02/2013 08:07
PhotoFunia 3.0 for Windows Phone 8
Say hello to PhotoFunia 3.0 for Windows Phone 8. Download now!

23/02/2013 10:01
PhotoFunia 3.0 for iOS is here
PhotoFunia 3.0 for iOS is here. We've completely redesigned user interface so  access to favourites, recent and popular effects is only one tap away. You can now also choose the photo right from your Facebook album and share the resulting image with all of your friends via Twitter and Facebook. Download the free update from AppStore now.
Etiquetas: photofunia, ipad, update, iphone, ios

18/02/2013 21:08
It  is finally here. An Android app that lets you put your face on a billboard, a stamp, or in a Warhol-like work of pop-art got even better. We've made a completely new UI for 7 and 10 inch tablets, fixed tons of bugs and added an ability to pick the photo right from your Facebook album. As usual you can download an update from Google Play at an unbelievable price of free.
Etiquetas: android, update, facebook

10/08/2012 20:20

Happy birthday!

So here we are on the occasion of PhotoFunia's 5th anniversary. First and foremost I would like to thank all our users for being with us. We would not be here today without you. You are the reason we exist and you are the ones pointing us in the right direction. Your smile is our biggest reward and we are really happy that PhotoFunia si being enjoyed by so many people of different age and ethnicity.

Throughout the course of five years PhotoFunia has grown up to become world's most popular fun image editor with over 1.3 million images processed every single day. We are very proud of how far inspiration and hard work has taken us since we started in 2007, but we’re constantly looking for new ways to make PhotoFunia better, funnier and more appealing to our users.

We have prepared some surprises for our users which we will unveil during the next 3 months. Stay tuned for more updates.

С днем рождения!

Вот и пришло время Фотофании отпраздновать первый маленький юбилей - 5 лет! По такому поводу мы первым делом хотим поблагодарить всех наших пользователей: новых и в особенности тех, которые оставались с нами на протяжении этих лет. Спасибо вам! Без вас ничего этого не было бы. Фотофания существует и развивается благодаря вам, а ваша улыбка - наша лучшая награда, ведь когда понимаешь, что приносишь радость тысячам людей со всех уголков света, жизнь обретает смысл.

Сейчас Фотофания - самый популярный в мире сайт для обработки фотографий, каждый день наш сервис производит на свет более миллиона изображений! И мы гордимся тем, куда привели нас упорный труд и вдохновение. Мы в постоянно стараемся сделать нашу Фотофанию лучше, удобнее и приятнее для использования.

Мы приготовили несколько сюрпризов для наших пользователей, о которых Вы узнаете в ближайшее время. Следите за обновлениями!
Etiquetas: anniversary

01/04/2012 10:00

PhotoFunia FunShot FX1


The FunShot FX1 is world's first fun companion camera for all users from professionals to advanced amateurs who demand the highest quality in a compact size and the kind of creative image control that they’re used to in a DSLR.

FunShot FX1 brings photo taking expirience to a whole new level, besides offering the largest sensor ever in a compact camera, PhotoFunia has integrated their patented image manipulation technology allowing you to apply hundreds of amazing photo effects right from your camera without ever having to connect it to a PC.

Our proprietary technology automatically identifies the face in the photo and lets you add cool photo effects and create funny face photo montages right from your camera with a push of single button.

Built-in Wi-Fi (802.11a/b/g/n) allows to wirelessly update constantly growing database of effects and share your photos with friends via email, Twitter or Facebook. Once the FunShot FX1 is connected to the Internet you will have access to 200+ amazing effects at your fingertips.

Technical details

  • PhotoFunia's HSX SYSTEM with a 12.1 MP CMOS and COMIC 4 Image Processor
  • Powerful 14x Optical Zoom with Optical Image Stabilizer and a 28mm Wide-Angle lens.
  • Wi-Fi (802.11a/b/g/n)
  • Bluetooth 4.0 technology
  • Built-in 290.5-watt-hour rechargeable lithium-polymer battery.
  • Charging via power adapter or via replaceable hydrogen fuel cells.
  • Smart AUTO intelligently selects the proper settings for the camera based on 450 predefined shooting situations.
Etiquetas: camera

13/03/2012 18:53
Best things come to those who wait. After over a year in development PhotoFunia Symbian App is finally available at Nokia's Ovi Store at an unbelievable price of free. Enjoy!

Лучше позже, чем никогда. После более года разработки ФотоФания для Symbian наконец доступна совершенно бесплатно в Ovi Store. Наслаждайтесь! 

Etiquetas: symbian, nokia, app, mobile

20/01/2012 07:16
So what is PhotoFunia? PhotoFunia is cloud based fun photo editing tool that... you know what? We'd better sing about that!

31/12/2011 22:54
Happy New Year PhotoFuniacs! The entire PhotoFunia team wishes you lots of love and happiness in 2012.

01/10/2011 09:43

PhotoFunia on Blackberry. Serious about fun.

A legendary app is now available on a legendary phone. Get PhotoFunia app for your BlackBerry phone from AppWorld now! For free. Seriously!

Etiquetas: app, appworld, blackberry