22/08/2011 22:24

As you know PhotoFunia recently celebrated it's 4th anniversary so we decided to though hell of party! Apart from our friends and those people who make having fun with your photos possible we've invited Lime (best band in Ukraine)

11/08/2011 17:03

We have some exciting news to share with you on our 4th anniversary. Today we are releasing major updates to our iPhone and WindowsPhone 7 apps. Both are available for free at AppStore and Marketplace and are simply awesome. Follow download links below.

Download iPhone App Download WindowsPhone 7 App

07/12/2010 07:50

You said. We listened. The free PhotoFunia 1.1 update for Android brings most of the features you have requested.
  • Categories helps you keep all those wonderful effects organized
  • Favorites lets you store your absolute favorite effects in one folder for quick access 
  • Smart caching minimized the amount of data transferred from the servers thus increasing speed
  • Translations (Russian, German, Italian, Spanish and Chinese)

10/08/2010 23:00
PhotoFunia is turning 3 today! We hope you all guys have been having as much fun with PhotoFunia this year as we did and hope that you'll like the stuff we shall be ruling out during the following year. We've already got thee things to share with you on this celebration day: Firstly, there is something special for Facebook users - a full featured Facebook app which integrates seamlessly with Facebook allowing you to select photos directly from the albums you already have and saving them there with a single mouse click. We've been working really hard to get this ready by today and hope you'll love it. Did we mention it works perfectly with an iPad? Secondly, but not less important we have released a major update to our Android application which solves problems on most handsets and adds the ability to rotate and crop images. And lastly, we have an anniversary contest! In order to get in you will need to send an anniversary congratulation to info@photofunia.com with the subject "Anniversary contest". It can be anything: a photo, postcard, video or even a poem. The author of the most creative one will get a brand new iPod nano and a PhotoFunia T-shirt. Contest ends on August 30, 2010. ФотоФании исполняется 3 года! Мы надеемся, что ФотоФания радовала вас в этом году так же, как и нас и хотим верить, что то все наши звдумки в будущем тоже прийдуться Вам по душе. У нас уже есть три новости, которыми мы бы хотели поделиться с вами в этот праздничный день: Первая, пожалуй должна порадовать пользователей Facebook: мы выпустили Facebook приложение, позволяющее вам выбирать и сохранять фото в существующие альбомы. Мы старались, чтобы оно было готово к сегодняшнему дню и надеемся, что оно Вам понравится. Кстати, оно отлично работает на iPad! Вторая, не менее важная новость: сегодня вышло обновление нашего Android приложения, в котором решены проблемы, с которыми сталкивались пользователи некоторых мобильных устройств, а также добавлена возможность поворота и кадрирования фото. И напоследок, у нас есть для вас конкурс! Чтобы принять в нем участие, вам нужно отправить поздравление на адрес info@photofunia.com с пометкой "Конкурс" до 30 Августа 2010. Это может быть что угодно: фото, открытка, видео или даже стих. Автор самого интересного получит новеький iPod nano и футболку с логотипом ФотоФании.

04/07/2010 16:03

Dear PhotoFunia users,

We are currently testing a new photo uploader. Select any effect you like and you will see a link that enables you to switch to the new uploader. You will no longer have to re-upload same photo again and again in order to apply different affect to it and in certain effects you will also get an option to crop it. Please note that this feature is still under heavy development. We welcome any feedback and suggestions.

Дорогие пользователи,

Мы тестируем новый загрузчик фото. Зайдя на страницу любого эффекта Вы увидите ссылку, кликая на которорую Вы можете  переключиться в режим нового загрузчика. Теперь Вам не прийдется загружать одно и то же фото снова и снова для того, чтобы применить к нему другой эффект, также мы сделали доступным возможность выбора фрагмента Вашего фото для эффектов, где  ранее Ваше фото могло быть обрезано. Данная функция находится в стадии разработки, поэтому будем рады любым Вашим отзывам и пожеланиям.

Tagi: uploader, update

01/04/2010 08:26
PhotoFunia has finally signed an agreement with governments of India, Pakistan and Belarus to allow photos made in PhotoFunia to appear in national passports and ID cards and act as an official proof of citizen's ID. It is however still unclear whether same will be allowed for travel documents as we have received no confirmation from EU yet. If you are a lucky Citizen of those three countries please contact your local passport issuing authority to exchange your passport. Please note that following will be required otherwise the application will not be accepted: 1) Your original passport and/or national ID card 2) 5 printed photos made at PhotoFunia 3) Non-refundable deposit of USD 15,99 (USD 29,99 for animated photo)

21/03/2010 10:17
Enter Photofunia & The Film CA$H Casting Call Contest for a Chance to Win $1,000! Entering is simple, just create your custom image by clicking 


Free photo frames - poster for the movie "Ca$h".

, make it your main FB profile picture until April11th and add the CA$H FB Fanpage so we can see you've changed it! For more details on how to enter here and official rules, click here.
Tagi: contest, cash

11/03/2010 22:12

Cast yourself in a lead role in CA$H throughout PhotoFunia's customizable


Free photo frames - poster for the movie "Ca$h".


The movie CA$H stars notorious bad boy Sean Bean (Percy Jackson & the Olympians, Lord of the Rings), 2011's hottest star Chris Hemsworth (Marvel's upcoming THOR, Star Trek) and The Drew Carey Show's Victoria Profeta (Push). The psychological thriller Movie releases March 26th in select cities; April 9th nationwide. Be the face of the CA$H movie poster with this special partnership with PhotoFunia! 1. Choose Sean, Chris or Victoria and upload a clear picture of your face. A side profile image works best for Chris. A frontal view works best for Sean and Victoria. 2. Save the picture and upload as your profile picture for Facebook, Twitter and Myspace. 3. After the picture is created click "Publish" to share this on your Facebook and while you're at it, join The Film CA$H Fanpage too!


Free photo frames - poster for the movie "Ca$h".


Free photo frames - poster for the movie "Ca$h".

Note: this effect is using automatic face detection technology.
Tagi: faces, effects

21/02/2010 18:58
This effects will help you to imitate a pencil drawing.
Tagi: lab

01/02/2010 21:23
This effects will help you put your photo in a classic frame. You can choose between several frame styles and even simulate a canvas drawing.

24/11/2009 20:09
If yo want to print some money with your portrait get the hi-res image by clicking "Save to print" icon.
Note: This option is available for some other effects.
Tagi: lab

21/11/2009 10:04

Have you ever wanted to make your digital photo look like it's been taken with a film camera or turn it into a realistic looking engravement or a jigsaw puzzle? Or maybe you just have a few static images which you want to turn into a gif animation? PhotoFunia has got something excitingly new for you which is called PhotoFunia LAB. PhotoFunia LAB is a set of very useful image manipulating tools and filters which can be applied directly to your image. Most of the images generated at PhotoFunia LAB are available in hi resolution and can be freely downloaded to your pc. New filters will be added weekly and this up to you to decide which filter will be added next. Give it a go and use comment box below to share your thoughts.

Tagi: new, lab

28/08/2009 03:59

Have an idea? Why don't you share it with us? Now we have a convenient place where you can share your ideas on how to make PhotoFunia better, vote for other people's ideas and really make a difference. Click here to let us know your thoughts.
The service is powered by UserIdea.com If you have a website and wish to get user ideas in an organized manner and see what really matters to them give it a try! www.useridea.com.

Posted via email from photofunia's posterous

25/08/2009 22:06
As you know PhotoFunia had its 2nd anniversary on the 11th August so we had a good excuse to throw one hell of a party. Click here to see some photos. Below is short video we have filmed at the event. You would only be able to understand it if you know Russian. Как Вы знаете ФотоФании исполнилось два года 11-го Августа, что было отличным поводом провести вечеринку. Нажмите здесь чтобы посмотреть некоторые фото с мероприятия. Мы также сняли небольшое видео (см. ниже).