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2 Comente
Alexey Ivanov
10/07/2015 11:40
Thanks :)
28/06/2015 08:08
Okay, I expected this jingle to be pretty bad. I was surprised, because it isn't half bad. Your idea is brilliant! You play to all audiences, leaning a bit heavily toward the less sophisticated, but you have a few items that are aimed at people like me. More of those images and if the jingle could be a bit more clever, I would consider this to be the best way to avoid the expense and the learning of Photoshop anywhere on the web.
You should know that right now I'm not telling anyone how I'm getting these images, but it's only a matter of time before you get enough notoriety that everyone will know. Keep up the great work!
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2 Comente
You should know that right now I'm not telling anyone how I'm getting these images, but it's only a matter of time before you get enough notoriety that everyone will know. Keep up the great work!