18/05/2010 17:40


Фотоэффект карикатура карандашем, примените эффект искажения.

Try multiple times to get more funny looking faces. If you don't want to be on a funny side you can untick the "Caricatirize" tickbox to get Note: this effect is using automatic face detection technology.
Теги: faces, effects

09/05/2010 10:23

Огромный билборд

Фотомонтаж - билборд на всю стену многоэтажного дома.

Теги: effects

05/05/2010 09:00


Фотоэффект прекрасная Офелия на лугу.

Note: this effect is using automatic face detection technology.
Теги: faces, effects

01/05/2010 08:36
We are really excited to announce the release of PhotoFunia App for Google Android devices which is available in Android Market for and unbelievable price. FREE. To download the app please search for photofunia in Android Market or simply point your phone's camera to above QR code from any barcode reading app.
Теги: android, app

27/04/2010 20:31
Can't wait to see new Iron Man movie!

Железный человек

Фоторамка "Железный человек" - персонаж из научно-фантастического боевика.

Note: this effect is using automatic face detection technology.
Теги: faces, effects, animations

25/04/2010 19:41

Приукрашенный билборд

Два билборда с фотографиями на ночной площади, фотоэффекты онлайн бесплатно сделают всё за вас.

25/04/2010 19:38

Три постера

Фотомонтаж три постера на стене вдоль улицы.

Теги: effects

21/04/2010 19:27
Diane Mizota and Scot Rubin from the App a Day TV have just made a great review of PhotoFunia App.
Теги: review, app

19/04/2010 19:56

Рисунок на тротуаре

Фотоэффект - рисунок на тротуаре в цветном формате.

Теги: effects

14/04/2010 20:41

Ночная площадь

Таймс-сквер это место, где, традиционо, крупнейшие корпорации мира борятся за место для рекламы. Но вы ведь не корпорация? Так что смело размещайтесь!

Теги: effects

10/04/2010 13:36
Теги: lab

04/04/2010 23:04

Жених и невеста

Легко стать женихом и невестой, используя данный эффект.

Note: this effect is using automatic face detection technology.
Теги: faces, effects

04/04/2010 17:16
Do you have a mobile? Why not to get a free PhotoFunia ringtone on your mobile? Click here to download it now!
Теги: ringtone

03/04/2010 21:00
Теги: lab

01/04/2010 20:15
Get ready for something exciting. PhotoFunia you all love is coming to all Google Android devices this April. It will be available for free at Google's Android Market. Stay tuned for more information.
Теги: android, phone, app, client

01/04/2010 08:26
PhotoFunia has finally signed an agreement with governments of India, Pakistan and Belarus to allow photos made in PhotoFunia to appear in national passports and ID cards and act as an official proof of citizen's ID. It is however still unclear whether same will be allowed for travel documents as we have received no confirmation from EU yet. If you are a lucky Citizen of those three countries please contact your local passport issuing authority to exchange your passport. Please note that following will be required otherwise the application will not be accepted: 1) Your original passport and/or national ID card 2) 5 printed photos made at PhotoFunia 3) Non-refundable deposit of USD 15,99 (USD 29,99 for animated photo)